Corporate Events

Are you arranging for a grand henna event where all your old employees as well as the new recruits go for the latest trend of some fascinating henna patterns from the best service providers? Why not ask for the service from Sarala and her team then, who is simply the best in the business to serve them? Why not use the event as the launch pad of some of the best henna patterns so that others, even out of the party pick up the trend?


Why Sarala and her Team?

Henna is the new in-thing in any corporate event and here is where Sarala and her team make the difference, to say the least!!!!

Sarala and her team make sure that all the invitees and guests at the party look and feel special in some exquisite henna designs – regardless of their age and gender.  

We add an exquisite tinge to their looks. We cater to the individual tastes of each of your guests and meet their individual choices in the most comprehensive way, taking into consideration their heights, statistics, gender, skin complexion.

The designs we have in our kitty

The designs we come up with are wonderful, to say the least. Just like there are designs for bridal shower, hens Party and baby showers and many more, there are exquisite designs for corporate events in our kitty as well. And we have dedicated expert designers for every kind of party as well!!!

Be it the traditional larger-than-life henna blended with traditional creativity or the more modern stylish tattoo henna, we are the simply the best in terms of options, service and customization.

Then there is the more recent trend of simpler and minimal designs that have a touch of grace, making your guests look all the more gorgeous in your party.

Then again, are you looking for something more traditional in terms of looks with some conventional henna design pattern from every nook and cranny of India or the Arabic World that go with the corporate events? We have them for your guests as well.


So finally..what difference we make!!

So, be it a corporate event or a high tea party or the birthday parties of your loyal and long-term employees, Sarala and her team can cater to every individual taste of your guests. You can use these events as a launching platform of the new henna trends that we come up with. Let your guests look fascinating with the new henna patterns from the Arabic World and the Indian states.

When it comes to arranging for the henna event as a token of gratitude for your loyal, long-term employees, we simply are the best in terms of quality. In fact, you can be so sure about our quality that you can actually showcase our expertise in your party, using it as a launching pad of our business as well as your goodwill as an employer. This will further help us in marketing our expertise and your fame as an employer!

Let these patterns to be seen and appreciated by people whom your guests and old employees subsequently meet – let the trend spread, and let there be more henna in the air. Sarala and her team will be right there, with all its innovation. We promise that we will never be found wanting in meeting the rising demand of this aesthetic style, no matter how far it spreads, starting from your corporate event!!